OZ—So, yes, the thing that would not die actually did not die, but came back to life like the zombie of a nightmare that I has been since the minute I stumbled into porn. Dot-XXX, the top-level domain from hell. Well, who really cares, right? It’s just a few letters to the right of a period. What harm could they do? What worlds could they upset?
After so much turmoil, so many years of conflict and debate, so many voices weighing in, so many countries and industries and… oh, what do they call them… stake-holders? Of course, the story is not over even now. The Arc of XXX still has many chapters to go. Even now, when I have been quiet for so long, I still get pulled into the spotlight and targeted as someone who is a biased person, at least as far as this one goes.
To think otherwise—in other wise, that I am not biased—after the panel in Phoenix would be, it seems to me, nonsensical. To any who cared to notice, Vaughn Lilley seemed determined to challenge anything I had to say no matter how factual it might have been. Why, I simply do not know, but it happened and I am still in the process of figuring out exactly what I am going to do about it. I feel that in the moment, in that setting, on that stage, I was a picture of moderation.
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